Hospital Management System Project
Analysis of Energy Management in Hospitals
From those researches, it can be stated that the air conditioning and appliances (medical devices) have the highest rates in energy consumption. The reasons for that are: 1-The weather nature in Saudi Arabia which is generally very hot and dry in the summer and cold and wet in the winter. 2-The demand to provide maximum comfort and all the necessary conditions in medical environment to help and treat patients [20] which is that the main concern for medical staff. 3-Medical practitioners are giving the energy efficiency low priority so they behave for that point [10]. Code Shoppy Fig.5 illustrates not only old information but also information which lacks breakdown details of electrical energy consumption for different loads. Such information is very important for any energy management program to succeed and it justifies the need for the proposed program. Before carrying out the proposed energy management program, accurate data is required about the awareness for the need for such program and if there are any future plans for such energy management proposals. In order to gather such information, the following points have been analysed through a questionnaire: 1-The amount of energy consumed within a year in health service. 2-The amount of energy consumed in Air conditioning loads in health service. 3-The amount of energy consumed in medical devices in health service. 4-Number of power failures (blackouts) within a year in health service. 5-How present UPS systems respond to power failures in health service. 6-Percentage of critical loads within the hospitals. From collected data, it can be reported that the hospitals have heavy loads in air conditioning and medical devices especially in medical imaging equipments. Also, those hospitals are suffering from electricity shutdowns. Table-1 and table-2 shows data for sample of targeted hospitals in the study.
The energy management programmes are essential for hospitals especially in Saudi Arabia where the demand for air conditioning is increasing due to the hot weather and in the same time the air conditioning is the highest consumer for energy in Saudi Arabia. Implementing action plan for energy management in hospitals could not only save electric energy but it could also save many facilities and equipments from technical problems. Furthermore, it can be seen that an energy saving by say 10% in a hospital could be save equipments and facilities enough for equipping three Hospital Energy consumption (MW) Number of shutdowns Number of successful responses Number of backup generators Hospital A 23,217 2 2 4 Hospital B 900 4 4 3 Hospital C 2,552 6 6 3 Hospital D 9,707 – – 1 Hospital E 6,327 18 18 1 Fig. 5. A typical electrical energy consumption in Petajoule (PJ) in the case study (hospitals in Saudi Arabia) before the proposed electrical energy management program.
The energy management programmes are essential for hospitals especially in Saudi Arabia where the demand for air conditioning is increasing due to the hot weather and in the same time the air conditioning is the highest consumer for energy in Saudi Arabia. Implementing action plan for energy management in hospitals could not only save electric energy but it could also save many facilities and equipments from technical problems.
Furthermore, it can be seen that an energy saving by say 10% in a hospital could be save equipments and facilities enough for equipping three Hospital Energy consumption (MW) Number of shutdowns Number of successful responses Number of backup generators Hospital A typical electrical energy consumption in Petajoule (PJ) in the case study (hospitals in Saudi Arabia) before the proposed electrical energy management program. hospitals. Results and findings are encouraging and within the direction of the research.
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