Android-Based Online Exam Application
- Technology raises new innovations, technology can make learning systems
easier and more flexible to access. Online exam platforms is one example of
technological impact in learning system that facilitate the implementation of
learning evaluations both from student and teacher side. However, in practice
the implementation of a flexible online examinations is still not well
implemented. About 73.6% of students think that it is easier to cheat on online
exams than conventional exams, this fact raises fears of cheating such as
impersonating and answer copying if online exams are conducted remotely. herefore, to make implementation of the online exam more effective, an
authentication system is needed to minimize possible fraud.
This system was
created as a continuous authentication implemented on online exam system so
that exam activities can be monitored even if done remotely. In general, the
system consists of two modules, namely the authentication module and the
supervision module. The combination of the two modules can realize an
examination system that can authenticate test participants and monitor the
conditions during the exam. Thus, online exam activities can be carried out
more flexibly anywhere without worrying about fraud due to lack of supervision.
Keywords—online exam, continuous authentication, cheating
The impact of technology in education can be seen from
the development of learning systems. According to Alonso and Norman in
particular there are four types of learning systems, namely conventional
learning systems, instructional learning systems, e-learning, and mobile
learning [1]. M-learning supports learning activities carried out continuously
through mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets flexibly anytime and
anywhere [2]. Over times, emerging innovations implemented as a feature on
m-learning, such as online exam.
Adapted from the conventional exam system the
online exam was developed as an examination system that utilizes the internet
network. Through the online exam system, examinees can access exam questions
and answer without requiring a question sheet or answer sheet in physical form.
However, there are still deficiencies in the implementation of online
examinations. Currently the online test execution is often still held together
in a room. This is less effective and makes no significant difference between
conducting online examinations and conventional examinations [3]. Chula G.
King's research shows that 73.6% of students think that cheating on online
tests is easier than doing it on conventional examinations [4], Based on this
it is necessary to improve the effectiveness of online examinations so that
they can be carried out remotely and without supervision. The way to minimize
cheating on online exams, especially impersonating is to develop a continuous
authentication system on online exam applications that can validate the
suitability of the examinees and identify participants who cheated during the
exam. Hopefully, by the authentication in the online exam application makes
online test activities can be done remote and unattended supervisors but can be
implemented properly and without any fraud.
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