Traditional Chinese medicines (CM) topical herbs for atopic
dermatitis are mainly consist of nourishing the blood,
dryness-moistening, dry-dampness, skin-moisturizing and itching-relief,
of which therapeutic principles are taken as dryness-moistening to
relieve itching. Based on the modified mutual information, complex
system entropy cluster and unsupervised hierarchical clustering, the CM
recipes for atopic dermatitis can be better collected and stored in the
database, and the correlation coefficient between herbs, core
combinations of herbs and new recipes also can be analyzed. In our
study, the objective is to evaluate and analyze the component law of CM
topical herbs and explore new recipes for atopic dermatitis through data
mining methods so as to provide references for dermatologists in the
clinical practice and decision-making for the treatment of atopic
The core combinations of Chinese herbs is attained by hierarchical
clustering, and the core combinations occur in the original database and
occur in a certain compound recipe, however, it could not be considered
as a new recipe, therefore, the hierarchical clustering carried out
necessarily. It is based on a hypothesis: A new recipe is the
recombination of a strong correlative core combination. Hierarchical
clustering and correlation calculation about are necessary, both
involved in calculating the correlation between classes. To ensure that
the combination attained by hierarchical clustering is a new recipe,
i.e., it does not exist in original database, the mutual information
needs to be improved. Such can assure the present recipe is a new one.
Here, pro(X,Y)>0 expresses the frequency of core combination X and
Y occurrence. The frequency>0 means that it occurs in a certain
compound prescription, so it is not a new recipe. Thus, it is necessary
to decrease the correlativity, making the correlativity of the core
combination in the new recipe reach to the maximum. H(X)and H (Y)
represent information entropy of X and Y respectively, while H(X,Y)
expresses combination entropy[5,
Since 2010, some specialist[5] used the unsupervised date mining
methods to explore the component law and recipes of Chinese medicine for
H1N1, the date mining methods has start to expand gradually, thus, we
can explore the treatment of AD of Chinese medicine by this methods
conveniently. Based on this method, the quintessence of ancient famous
Chinese medicine specialist and famous ancient recipes can be
effectively inherited. Moreover, the accuracy of screening herbs can be
ensured and the limitation of personal experiences also can be better
avoided. Therefore, this is a convenient tool for research of Chinese
herbs. Based on the design above-mentioned, we can conclude the result
of frequency analysis, core combinations and the new recipes, the CM
topical herbs for atopic dermatitis that mainly consist of
blood-nourishing, dryness-moistening, dry-dampness and relieve-itching
also can be effectively evaluated and figured out. Moreover, by
analyzing the internal relations among the commonly-used drug pairs, the
function of drug Pairs may be made sure such as opening the orifices
with aroma, activating blood, moisturizing the skin. The results might
not be entirely consistent with the TCM clinical practice, of which
possible cause lies as follows: the number of recipe prescriptions is
not enough. Therefore, the research can provide references for
dermatologists in the clinical practice and decision-making for the
treatment of atopic dermatitis. Know More
It is generally accepted that early and specialized pre-hospital
patient treatment improves outcome in terms of mortality and morbidity,
in emergency cases. The focus of this paper is to present the
implementation and the evaluation of an ambulance located telemedicine
system for pre-hospital patient treatment. The primary emphasis is on
the vital sign transmission from the accident site or the moving
ambulance to the consultation site, using the GSM mobile telephony
network. There, the experts evaluate the patient data, decides about the
treatment protocol and provide directions to the ambulance’s medical
staff concerning on the patient handling until the arrival to the
A. Project Design and Equipment. Emergency units such as ambulances,
patrol cars and firevehicles are participating in this project. The
operations are controlled by a small-scale trauma dispatch center,
located in the University Hospital of Rion, Greece. All units are
equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS) devices [14], able to
transmit, via GPRS modems, the vehicle’s current position to the
dispatch center, for vehicle control and management. A “clever
mechanism”, installed both on vehicles and on controller in traffic
intersections, forces in an indirect manner the transition to a “green
light” when the ambulance is in a direction towards the corresponding
traffic lights and in an adjustable radius. This capability makes
possible the road to be free of traffic in the moving direction of
vehicle. Additionally, each ambulance is equipped with: •special medical
devices to acquire vital signs, such as electrocardiogram (ECG), Blood
Oxygen Saturation (SPO2), Non Invasive Blood Pressure (NiBP),
Temperature (Temp), from patients and transmit them to the dispatch
center using the GSMnetwork [13] – [16]. The data can be collected on
the field of accident or en route to the hospital (Fig. 1), •a wireless
LAN (IEEE 802.11) to transmit patient video or still images acquired by a
wireless camera, from the ambulances to the dispatch center. In the
trauma dispatch center is installed: •a Geographic Information System
(GIS) [14] based street network data set, which is managed by a
computer. The GIS operator can observe the exactly location and movement
characteristics of all vehicles, •a server hosting still images or
video transmittedfrom the ambulances’ wireless cameras, •a server
hosting vital signs transmitted from the ambulances. B. Telemedicine
equipment and transmission. The core of the telemedicine system is a
portable device collecting and transmitting vital signs. Within this
project, a market analysis has been performed evaluating diverse market
available vital signs devices constructed by various manufacturers. The
final decision has been based in the following specifications and
restrictions: •fit to the small free space inside the ambulance, •light
and portable, •a compact construction tolerant both to the bad
mechanical and electromagnetic conditions, •waterproof, dustproof, oil
proof, •built in transmission capability, easy connection to the
patients body for vital sign collection, •user friendly, •communication
over the GSM network, which has significant coverage in Greece, •secure
data transmission, •no independent devices for each vital sign butmany
devices integrated into a common package. Independent devices take up a
lot of space, and need a lot of probes and cables for their installation
and operation. Also, the operators need to spend alot of time to
connect them to the patients. The other investigated category was the
medical monitors. A medical monitor includes the measurement of many
vital signs in a small cased device. But the usage onextreme conditions
feeds the measured signal with artifacts, garbling the data. The result
of the above market analysis led us to employ of a defibrillator device
equipped with embedded vital signs amplifiers. This device allows the
ambulance staff to: •measure and transmit of vital signs during the
patient collection and transportation to the first aid center, and
•defibrillate the patient if it needs so (after the experts advice),
•carry the equipment in an accident area away fromthe ambulance. The
selected defibrillator device handles the following vital signs: •Up to
12 lead ECG, •Blood Oxygen Saturation (SpO2), •Heart Rate (HR),
•Non-Invasive Blood Pressure, •Temperature, •Invasive Blood Pressure
(IP), •CO2 measurement. Code Shoppy
The implementation of the other part of the telemedicine system, the
dispatch center, has been organized on the basis of the following
specifications and restrictions: •Demonstration and modification of the
patient demographic data, •Preview and measurements of the received
medical data, •Archiving capabilities, •Capabilities for
computer-assisted diagnosis, •Signaling of any new incoming incident,
•Secure data reception and verification, •User friendly interface. The
software running on any workstation of the dispatch center has to
include a restricted number of different working windows (forms)
demanding the minimal possible users actions. Figure 2,3 and 4 depict
some working windows of the dispatch center. In Figure 2, the expert can
see all events, alarms, the chronological list of the collected data,
curvesrepresenting continuously recorded parameters, values in each
point etc. In Figure 3, up to 12 lead electrocardiogram strips collected
from the patient can be observed. Figure 4 shows the tools provided to
the doctor in order to perform measurements on the ECG strips.
The aforementioned system was designed and implemented in order to
assure that an emergency case will be served on the minimum time. So, if
the vital sign collection and transmission starts being performed by
the paramedics the time needed for in hospital evaluation
willsignificantly decrease. Also, it is possible that the patient’s
therapy begins during his transportation depending on patient’s health
emergency level and the expert’s direction.
Multiple Subjects of College Information Management System Estimate
In each of the categories there are very specific mechanisms which must
exist in a model of information system architecture. Measuring scales
are developed in order to record whether or not the model meets the
criteria in each category. For some conditions a natural scale exists
and is used as a measurement. In all other areas a binary scale is used.
In the case of the binary scale, a zero indicates that the model does
not meet that condition, and a one indicates that the condition is met.
Project Team of Information SystemProject team of information system
develop, implement and control the system, of which the project manager
is the head, and system analysts, programmers, persons participating in
the system development and implementation are the members. Therefore,
what the project team are mainly concerned about are the technology of
the information system and whether the system functions according to the
schedule, budget and goals set. The estimate indexes mainly include: 1)
Index for evaluating system construction: It mainly evaluates the
implementation and management of the information system, such as the
satisfaction degree of users, development efficiency of the system, the
utilization rate of resources, normalization degree of system
construction and whether the overall system is advanced, etc; 2) Index
for evaluating system performance: It mainly evaluates the reliability,
efficiency, adaptability, maintainability, transportability,
expandability, and safety and confidentiality of the system.
College ManagementStaffs College management staffs are usually the
initiator and advocator of information systems, who initiate, plan,
organize, coordinate and support the implementation of information
systems, and whose support is the key to the successful implementation
of information systems. College management staffs are concerned about
the overall interest and long-term development of the college. They
support the implementation of the information system to realize the
strategic goals and sharpen the competitive edge of the college, such as
improving the college image and attracting more clients. Therefore,
College management staffs, when evaluating the system, would take the
tangible and intangible interests the information system brings into
consideration, which mainly include: 1) Operation interest: Saving cost,
shortening time of turnover, enhancing productivity, improving service
quality, etc. 2) Management interest: Optimizing resource management,
etc. 3) Strategic interest: Supporting innovative expansion of business
and e-commerce, etc.; therefore, system progress, whether the system
supports cooperation with external parties, and global expansion of
business and e-commerce, etc are the indexes for estimate. 4)
Fundamental interest of IT: Improving the flexibility of business,
saving IT cost, enhancing basic capacity of IT, etc. 5) Organization
interest: supporting the reformation of the organization, promoting
training and improving skills of staff, and setting up common goals,
External Entities The implementation of college information system
will affect the partnership with clients and suppliers, etc. Therefore,
external entities like clients and suppliers would also evaluate the
implementation of the information system. Besides, the external entities
also include the estimate agency and consulting agency, etc. [2] Things
that external entities like clients and suppliers concern about fall
into 4 categories: time, quality, performance, service and cost.
Therefore, they are mainly concerned about how the information system
can bring them value and satisfaction from the four aspects mentioned
above. The estimate indexes include: 1) Whether the implementation of
the system shortens the response time, 2) Whether the implementation of
the system improves product and service quality, 3) Whether the
implementation of the system brings larger value, 4) Whether the
implementation of the system reduces product or service cost. Learn More
From those researches, it can be stated that the air conditioning and
appliances (medical devices) have the highest rates in energy
consumption. The reasons for that are: 1-The weather nature in Saudi
Arabia which is generally very hot and dry in the summer and cold and
wet in the winter. 2-The demand to provide maximum comfort and all the
necessary conditions in medical environment to help and treat patients
[20] which is that the main concern for medical staff. 3-Medical
practitioners are giving the energy efficiency low priority so they
behave for that point [10]. Code Shoppy
Fig.5 illustrates not only old information but also information which
lacks breakdown details of electrical energy consumption for different
loads. Such information is very important for any energy management
program to succeed and it justifies the need for the proposed program.
Before carrying out the proposed energy management program, accurate
data is required about the awareness for the need for such program and
if there are any future plans for such energy management proposals. In
order to gather such information, the following points have been
analysed through a questionnaire: 1-The amount of energy consumed within
a year in health service. 2-The amount of energy consumed in Air
conditioning loads in health service. 3-The amount of energy consumed in
medical devices in health service. 4-Number of power failures
(blackouts) within a year in health service. 5-How present UPS systems
respond to power failures in health service. 6-Percentage of critical
loads within the hospitals. From collected data, it can be reported that
the hospitals have heavy loads in air conditioning and medical devices
especially in medical imaging equipments. Also, those hospitals are
suffering from electricity shutdowns. Table-1 and table-2 shows data for
sample of targeted hospitals in the study.
By considering the weather as a factor, it can be realized that air
conditioning loads in summer season is increasing but significantly
decreasing in winter. Regarding medical devices load, it is affected by
number of patients and the demand on treatment. The proposed solution is
focusing on providing framework and action plan for energy management
guided by international standards and increasing the awareness of staff
in hospitals in energy management and how to implement that programme.
Also, those action plans will aware top management in hospitals about
the suitable options to make the environment more green and energy
The energy management programmes are essential for hospitals
especially in Saudi Arabia where the demand for air conditioning is
increasing due to the hot weather and in the same time the air
conditioning is the highest consumer for energy in Saudi Arabia.
Implementing action plan for energy management in hospitals could not
only save electric energy but it could also save many facilities and
equipments from technical problems. Furthermore, it can be seen that an
energy saving by say 10% in a hospital could be save equipments and
facilities enough for equipping three Hospital Energy consumption (MW)
Number of shutdowns Number of successful responses Number of backup
generators Hospital A 23,217 2 2 4 Hospital B 900 4 4 3 Hospital C 2,552
6 6 3 Hospital D 9,707 – – 1 Hospital E 6,327 18 18 1 Fig. 5. A typical
electrical energy consumption in Petajoule (PJ) in the case study
(hospitals in Saudi Arabia) before the proposed electrical energy
management program.
The energy management programmes are essential for hospitals
especially in Saudi Arabia where the demand for air conditioning is
increasing due to the hot weather and in the same time the air
conditioning is the highest consumer for energy in Saudi Arabia.
Implementing action plan for energy management in hospitals could not
only save electric energy but it could also save many facilities and
equipments from technical problems.
Furthermore, it can be seen that an energy saving by say 10% in a
hospital could be save equipments and facilities enough for equipping
three Hospital Energy consumption (MW) Number of shutdowns Number of
successful responses Number of backup generators Hospital A typical
electrical energy consumption in Petajoule (PJ) in the case study
(hospitals in Saudi Arabia) before the proposed electrical energy
management program. hospitals. Results and findings are encouraging and
within the direction of the research.
Performance Evaluation of Android Operating System Instant messenger, often shortened to IM is one type of communication service that allows person to have a conversation (chat) privately with others via the internet. Within the calls & messaging on Android and iOS operating systems, they both have an equal value in the terms of innovation and performance. In this work, we focus on evaluate the performance of the IM application on Android and iOS operating systems used several criteria; delay, packet size, and throughput. We usetwo methods of data collection; primary and secondary data, and compare the IM application using simulation methods. Input parameters for this simulation is in thestanza form of a text message, and the output consists of delay, packet size, and throughput. The results of this work indicate that the IM on iOS operating system with criteria of delay, packet size and throughput can send and receive messages faster than IM on android operating system Message id is an element of the XML form that serves to show the id of every sent message.b)Message tois an element of the XML form that serves to indicate the sent message to the recipient's address. c)Message Fromis an element of the XML form that serves to show the messages from the sender address. d)Message typeis an element of the XML form that serves to indicate the type of sent message.e)Bodyis an element of the xml form that serves as the content of the message to be sent. f)Threadis an element of the XML form that serves to demonstrate the unique of each conversation,asentmessageinaconversation has a thread that differentiates messages in one conversation with another conversation. .Cellular network optimization can be seen as a process to improve the overall network quality as experienced by the mobile subscribers and to ensure that the network resources are efficiently utilized. In design of any system Quality of Service (QoS) is one of the important issues from both customers and providers point of view that means customers expect the service of best quality from the system providers and providers want to give best quality of service to the customers from the system. Same in case of wireless communication systems. All the parameters related to QoS are having different importance for all customers and applications. The contentment level of different customers depends on different QoS parameters[5].The general quality of service (QoS) parameters most considered in the packet switched network are delay, packet size, and throughput [6].Quality of service (QoS) has a standard requirement for some primarily one-way of media data transfer/retrieval that is throughput should be less than 384 kbit/s or 384000 bit/s bps and delay should be less than 10 second [7].Based on the data above, the number of instant messenger is more than the number of smartphones itself that dominated by Android and iOS operating systems. However, according to DigitalTrends, these two operating systems ability are tend to be balance.
Conceptual Model Conceptual models are used to describe the architecture system comparison instant messenger applications on iOS and Android smartphone devices. Fig.2. shows that Openfire used as a server.Smartphones based on iOS and Android which they have instant messenger applications installed to exchange messages between one to another device. The messages that will be included in the application form as a character, but when it is sent to the server itwill be shaped as stanza which is an XML that contains the sender, the recipient, the type of chat, message and the thread that is used as a unique individual messages. MySQL database is used as a data source such as instant messenger user account, admin account, sent messages, etc., are all stored in a MySQL database. Wireshark is used for monitoring the system which in this study is devoted to see the way the message from the sender to the recipient until passing the port 5222. This port is used for interaction from the client to the server and vice versa. Routers are used as data communication lines between smartphone with Openfire which exchange data messages. In this stage, we perform verification and validation of the previous stages. We correct or improve if something goes wrong at each stage of the simulation method. Verification is done by testing the IM applications on IOS smartphone and Android device whether it is run according to the flowchart simulations. While the validation is done by testing the IM application on IOS smartphone and Android device whether corresponding to the provisions of the stages of conceptual models, input/output data, and modeling.
In view of the imperfection of the Android operating system multimedia function and the complexity of streaming media system. At the same time, the development cycle is long, and efficiency is low. In order to solve those problems, the thesis designed the streaming engine layer between Linux kernel layer and application framework layer of Android platform, and constructed fast and convenient streaming media application development framework. First of all, Android operating system (OS) was analyzed, and then the media engine was added into the Android OS architecture. Based on the characteristic of the streaming media system, the steaming media engine is divided into five layers, including the user interface, data capture, and data output, codec, and network transmission layer. At last, the architecture was applied in the wisdom medical terminal project. Through an instance of video data transmission client, the feasibility of the architecture is confirmed. Android OS is a kind of open source OS, which is launched by Google. In Android, the hierarchical structure is used just like other OSs; it is divided into five layers, including Linux kernel, hardware abstraction, libraries and Android runtime, application framework and applications. The system architecture is shown in Figure 1. Every layer description is as follows [4-5] Linux Kernel ) Android OS bases on Linux 2.6 kernel, and Linux kernel as hardware abstraction of underlying layer provides the services of basic memory management, thread management, network protocol stack and device driver etc. B. Hareware Abstraction The hardware abstraction layer is used to abstract services provided by the underlying Linux kernel layer; it can shield the underlying implement details. C. Libraries and Android Runtime Android libraries provide many basic C/C++ libraries, which are called by applications. They are the ultimate realization of the upper layer applicaitons. Android Runtime is a set of libraries which provides most of functions of Java programming language. Dalvik virtual machine is included. Every processing has own instance of Dalvik virtual machine. It is used to run the .dex excutive file. D. Application Framework The application framework layer provides a development platform for developers, which facilitates the reuse and replacement of components and the building of all kinds of applications. E. Applications Android application layer provides a range of packages, which contains most of Google's applications, for example, clock, calendar, etc. They are writen by Java.Generally, native code is faster than Java code [6-7]. So in view of of the efficiency requirements of streaming media applications, and the characteristics of Android stratification, the streaming media engine is located between Linux kernel layer and applications layer, and realized by C/C++ programming language. In the streaming media engine, the function of Linux kernel and libraries are called to realize streaming media codec and transmission functions. Android application layer could call the service provided by streaming media engine using JNI interface. Because the reliability of software is inversely proportional to the number of software stratification, so the whole structure is designed for four layers. CodeShoppy
Android OS bases on Linux 2.6 kernel, and Linux kernel as hardware abstraction of underlying layer provides the services of basic memory management, thread management, network protocol stack and device driver etc. B. Hareware Abstraction The hardware abstraction layer is used to abstract services provided by the underlying Linux kernel layer; it can shield the underlying implement details. C. Libraries and Android Runtime Android libraries provide many basic C/C++ libraries, which are called by applications. They are the ultimate Overall design of streaming media engine The characteristicsof Android platform is hierarchical design, while the modular design is typically used for streaming media system. Combining hierarchical and modular design, the streaming media engine is divided five layers, including the user interface, data capture, data output, codec, and network transport. The overall framework is shown in Figure 3. This of design strategy the can simplify media information proccessing. It is helpful for developers to develop and maintain streaming media application using the streaming media engine. It is also easy for sreaming media application to extend new codec or transport protocol.Data Capture The main task of the data capture is to capture audio or video data. It is defined a derived class, which provides some interfaces including message input and output interface, device open and close interface. Developers only need to inherit the class, and then according to the data type which we want to capture, the functions of the class are realized. In fact, the device open function calls the appropriate driver interface to initialize and open an audio or video device. At the end of open o function, the thread is started to capture the audio or video data. At last, input function can be used to input data acquisition command, and then captured data by thread will be copied to message data area. When the output 0 function is called, we can get the capured messag included the audio or vedio data. C. Data Output The design of data output layer is similar to the design of the data capture layer. It also creates a derived class named by data output, and provides device open and close interface, data output interface. Because nothing can be got form the layer, there not is ouput 0 function in the layer. First of all, the developers inherit the class, and then realize it according to different output devices and business needs. When needs to be used, firstly it instantiated. Sencondly, the open 0 function which is realized by using device driver is called to open and initialize the device, and create the output thread for audio or vedio. In the thread, the input data is outputed the ouput device for playing audio or video. The ouput data is input by using input 0 function. D. Codec Codec layer mainly realizes the compression and decompression of streaming media data, it is defined a codec class, which has initialization, codec selecting, data input and output interface. After inheriting the class, developers could call the select 0 function to select different codec algorithm, and avcodecinit 0 to initialize the codec. The algorithm is realized in the input 0 function by different way. The output function is used to get data which has processed. The decoding processing is the contrary.Network Transport Network transport layer mainly to complete the transfer function in streaming media systems; it created a network transmission class, including data input and the session initialization interface. According to the requirement, developers inherit the class and initialize the transmitionsession in mIt 0 function, then using input 0 function, developers can transmit the data to destination. The multithread mechanism can be used to achieve the transmission of data. The signal is used to communicate process with thread. F. User Interface The user interface layer is the interface of streaming media engine, and it is a JNI interface package of streaming media engine. Through JNI interface, Java applications can call the corresponding streaming engine functions. APIs implement the parameters control, parameter setting and query interface. The layer controls the flow of message from one layer to another. There is a mapping table between native functions and Android Java functions. It will be registered to Dalvik virtual machine when systemloadLibrary 0 is called. By this way, the time consumption will be reduced [10]. The user interface layer contains start and stop interface of streaming media engine. When the start function is called, the messages are sent from data capture via codec to network transport or from network transport via codec to data output.which one IS selected can be configured by configuration file. These classes in the streaming media engine each layer are compiled into dynamic libraries using Android NDK tools, which can be called by others. The purpose of this is easy to upgrade and reuse each layer. Only through changing the dynamic library, the developers can develop new application.